HITECH Global Evaluation Reports
These summaries support the global assessment by synthesizing in one place on selected statistics and activity reports relating to implementation of HITECH. It is developed quarterly and reflects information made available from January 2011 onwards. The list of activities included in these reports are not meant to be exhaustive but to reflect a subset of reports and activities captured by reports on the ONC or CMS web site.
- Q1 2015 (January-March 2015) [PDF - 319 KB]
- Q4 2014 (October-December 2014) [PDF - 379 KB]
- Q3 2014 (July-September 2014) [PDF - 362 KB]
- Q2 2014 (April-June 2014) [PDF - 290 KB]
- Q1 2014 (January-March 2014) [PDF - 357 KB]
- Q4 2013 (October-December 2013) [PDF - 283 KB]
- Q3 2013 (July-September 2013) [PDF - 347 KB]
- Q2 2013 (April-June 2013) [PDF - 287 KB]
- Q1 2013 (January-March 2013) [PDF - 767 KB]
- Q4 2012 (October-December 2012) [PDF - 390 KB]
- Q3 2012 (July-September 2012) [PDF - 392 KB]
- Q2 2012 (April-June 2012) [PDF - 337 KB]
- Q1 2012 (January-March 2012) [PDF - 521 KB]
- Q4 2011 (October-December 2011) [PDF - 350 KB]
- Q3 2011 (July-September 2011) [PDF - 333 KB]
- Q2 2011 (April-June 2011) [PDF - 258 KB]
- Q1 2011 (January-March 2011) [PDF - 454 KB]
Regional Extension Centers (REC) Evaluation Reports
Evaluation of the Regional Extension Center Program: Final Report [PDF - 1.7 MB]
Nine Regional Extension Centers profiled in interim evaluation report [PDF - 590 KB] - March 2014
These issue briefs explore how local context affects HITECH program implementation as well as providers’ incentives and ability to achieve Meaningful Use (MU). These briefs identify the influence that state governments and policies, local grantees charged with implementing particular HITECH programs, health care market and community characteristics, and current health care reform efforts are having on providers’ incentives and ability to meaningfully use EHRs and qualify for Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments.
- Round 1 Issue Brief [PDF – 646KB]: Focuses on Stage 1 MU readiness in four diverse regions—Seattle, WA, Lubbock, TX, New Haven, CT, and Topeka, KS— as of late 2012.
- Round 2 Issue Brief [PDF – 745 KB]: Focuses on Stage 2 MU readiness in four regions with relatively high EHR adoption rates—Worcester, MA, Macon, GA, Milwaukee, WI, and Sacramento, CA— as of late 2013.
Reports from Evaluation of the State HIE Program
The State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program funds states’ efforts to rapidly build capacity for exchanging health information across the health care system both within and across states. Awardees are responsible for increasing connectivity and enabling patient-centric information flow to improve the quality and efficiency of care. ONC funded NORC at the University of Chicago to conduct a multi-year program evaluation. These research reports and case studies focus on understanding the implementation of the program and emerging approaches for enabling HIE.
- Evaluation of the State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program Final Report: Executive Summary [PDF - 459 KB] - March 2016
- Evaluation of the State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program Final Report: Final Report [PDF - 1.8 MB] - March 2016
- Provider Experiences with HIE: Key Findings from a Six-State Review [PDF - 599 KB] - June 2015
- Case Study Report: The State HIE Program Four Years Later: Key Findings on Grantees’ Experiences from a Six-State Review [PDF - 835 KB] - December 2014
- Key Challenges to Enabling Health Information Exchange and How States Can Help [PDF – 442 kb] – August 2014
- State Approaches to Enabling HIE: Typology Brief [PDF – 4 MB] – August 2014
- Case Study Synthesis [PDF - 875 KB] - February 2013
- Case Study Report: Health Information Exchange (HIE) in Maine [PDF - 375 KB] - November 2012
- Case Study Report: Experiences from Nebraska in Enabling Health Information Exchange (HIE) [PDF - 400 KB] - November 2012
- Case Study Report: Experiences from Texas in Enabling Health Information Exchange (HIE) [PDF - 350 KB] - November 2012
- Case Study Report: Experiences from Washington State in Enabling Health Information Exchange (HIE) [PDF - 360 KB] - November 2012
- Case Study Report: Experiences from Wisconsin in Enabling Health Information Exchange (HIE) [PDF - 355 KB] - November 2012
- Provider Focus Group Brief [PDF - 765 KB] - February 2012
- Early Findings from a Review of Twenty-Seven States [PDF - 303 KB] - January 2012
- The Evolution of the State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program: State Plans to Enable Robust Health Information Exchange [PDF - 452 KB] - August 2011
- Improving Transitions of Care in LTPAC: An Update from the Theme 2 Challenge Grant Awardees [PDF - 1.7 MB] - March 2013
- Business Case for Exchange - Working Paper [PDF - 1 MB]
In February, 2011, ONC awarded ten Challenge Grants intended to encourage breakthrough innovations for HIE that can be leveraged widely to support nationwide health information exchange and interoperability. Four of those awards went to Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma to develop solution and best practices to improve long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) transitions. This mid-point check-in identifies the common strategies and approaches the grantees have leverage to improve transitions of care to and from LTPAC providers including: common processes and appropriate connection points for clinical information transfer between hospitals and LTPAC providers; recommendations for hospital and LTPAC provider data needs; strategies to promote the use of standards based technology to create, transmit and view clinical documents of relevance to LTPAC and approaches to engage LTPAC providers where they are today across the health IT adoption spectrum (from high adoption to no adoption).
- Consumer Innovation Challenge: Final Report [PDF - 428 KB] - February 2013
- Direct Scalable Trust Forum Summary of Findings Report [PDF - 462 KB] - February 2013
- Southeast Regional HIT-HIE Collaboration (SERCH): Final Report [PDF - 4.7 MB] - July 2012
Reports on Health IT Workforce Development Program
ONC's Workforce Development Program's primary goal is to train a new workforce of health IT professionals who will be ready to help providers implement and maintain electronic health records to improve health-care quality, safety, and cost-efficiency. In support of the Workforce Development Program, ONC funded NORC at the University of Chicago (NORC) to perform an independent program evaluation. These research briefs and reports describe the grantees' implementation efforts using data from surveys, focus groups, and interviews with students and other key stakeholders involved with the program. The briefs and reports explore the funded colleges’ approaches to integrating evolving and newly developed curricula, recruiting and training faculty and prospective students, and coordinating among the four grant programs. Additionally, these briefs synthesize key programmatic themes, and identify program challenges and successes to date.
- Final Report from the Evaluation of the Workforce Development Programs [PDF - 8 MB] - March 2014
- Final Report from the Evaluation of the Workforce Development Programs: Executive Summary [PDF - 376 KB] - March 2014
- Findings from NORC’s University-Based Training Site Visits [PDF - 595 KB] - March 2013
- Findings from NORC’s Community College Site Visits [PDF - 630 KB] - January 2013
- Implementation of ONCs Workforce Development Program [PDF - 561 KB] - August 2012
- Overview of ONC's Workforce Development Program [PDF - 254 KB] - June 2011
Beacon Community Reports
- Data Sharing to Enable Clinical Transformation at the Community Level: IT Takes a Village [PDF - 501 KB] is one of a series of evaluations of the Beacon program authored by NORC. This brief examines the Beacon Communities approaches to and experiences with building and strengthening their health IT infrastructures, specifically with respect to data sharing to enable clinical transformation. NORC found that despite diverse characteristics, Beacon Communities reported several common promising practices that facilitated data sharing across the local health care systems. Many Beacons also found it crucial to build in flexibility to help practices at all levels of readiness, from smaller practices with basic health IT capabilities to large hospital systems to achieve that data sharing.
- Beacon Policy Brief: Building a Foundation of Electronic Data to Measure and Drive Improvement [PDF - 1.3 MB] August 2013
- Evaluation of the Beacon Community Cooperative Agreement Program [PDF 2.25 MB]
- Beacon Communities Present Early Findings [PDF - 284 KB]
- The Beacon Community Program: Three Pillars of Pursuit [PDF - 625 KB]
- Beacon Community and EHR Vendor Collaboration: A Catalyst for Interoperability and Exchange [PDF - 1.3 MB]
- Evaluation of the Beacom Community Cooperative Agreement Plan [PDF - 3.5 MB]
- Clinical Transformation in the Beacon Communities Evaluation Brief [PDF - 687 KB]
- Health Information Technology Infrastructure to Support Accountable Care Arrangements [PDF - 697 KB]
Disparity Reports
This collection of case studies highlights nine community-based programs using health IT to address the needs of populations with documented disparities in access, quality of care, and outcomes. Each case study discusses the type of intervention used and the providers and populations involved, providing detail on stakeholders' experience adopting and using various health IT solutions to improve health care delivery and outcomes for vulnerable groups.
- Understanding the Impact of Health IT on Underserved Communities and those with Health Disparities [PDF - 954 KB]* - April 2012
*These reports were completed by NORC at the University of Chicago under contract to ONC. The findings and conclusions of this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ONC or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Using telepsychiatry for the treatment of depression in underserved Hispanics [PDF - 754 KB] - July 2012
- GAHITREC: Helping eligible providers reach Meaningful Use [PDF - 696 KB] - July 2012
- Using telehealth to improve chronic disease management [PDF - 678 KB] - July 2012
- Using multi-modal health IT tools to improve quality and delivery of care in an urban setting [PDF - 650 KB] - July 2012
- PHRs: Connecting at-risk youth to health and social services [PDF - 637 KB] - July 2012
- Leveraging health IT to provide quality care [PDF - 637 KB] - July 2012
- Using health IT to improve quality, coordination, and access for rural and migrant populations [PDF - 726 KB] - July 2012
- Promoting and tracking wellness behaviors within an existing case-management program [PDF - 682 KB] - July 2012
- Enabling service: Using health IT to ensure patients receive more than just health care [PDF - 749 KB] - July 2012