Laura Heermann Langford

Nurse Informaticist & Chief Operating Officer
Intermountain Medical Center, Healthcare Services Platform Consortium
Laura Heermann Langford PhD, RN, is a Nurse Informaticist at the Homer Warner Center for Informatics Research at Intermountain Healthcare and an Assistant Professor and immediate past Program Director of Nursing Informatics at the College of Nursing, University of Utah, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Dr. Heermann Langford received her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of Northern Colorado in 1989. She received her Masters Degree with an emphasis in Nursing Informatics from the University of Utah in 1996 and her PhD in Nursing Research from the University of Utah in 2002.
Dr. Heermann Langford has practiced direct patient care in Adult Telemetry, Pediatric Intensive and Burn Care, and Adult Emergency Care. Dr. Heermann Langford’s current clinical focus for her informatics practice is emergency care, general nursing practice, care plans, and transition of care. She also has expertise is in clinical workflow analysis, requirements definition, and defining clinical standards. She has extensive experience in clinical informatics development projects, especially related to clinical workflow and clinical decision support.
In her current position at Intermountain Healthcare Dr. Heermann Langford is responsible for providing informatics support to the Emergency Care Clinical Information system, contributing leadership to the Health Services Platform Consortium and contributing Intermountain expertise to national and international standards development organizations. In her position at the University of Utah, Dr. Heermann Langford currently teaches the Clinical Decision Support class and contributes to the design of the Nursing Informatics Program curriculum. She also has experience teaching core informatics courses, and mentoring student progression.
Dr. Heermann Langford is currently co-‐chair of the HL7 Emergency Care Workgroup, Co-‐ chair of the HL7 Healthcare Standards Integration Workgroup, co-‐chair of the HL7 Patient Care Workgroup. In these roles, she leads the development of standard data, information and workflow models for emergency care and care coordination. With the HSI Workgroup, she leads coordination and collaboration of HL7 standards with other non-‐HL7 standards towards solutions to meet clinical care. She is also co-‐chair of the IHE Patient Care Planning Committee, Chair of the American Medical Informatics Association Nursing Informatics Working group, and an IHE-‐USA Board member. Dr. Heermann Langford also contributed to the HHS ONC Standards and Interoperability Framework through the Transition of Care and Longitudinal Care Coordination Workgroups. She was a member of the National Quality Framework’s (NQF) Technical
Expert Panel for Care Coordination and is a current member of the NQF HIT and Patient Safety Expert Panel. In addition to the organizations where she holds offices, Dr. Heermann Langford maintains membership in the American Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau International, Emergency Nurses Association, Utah Nursing Informatics Network, Health Information Management Systems Society, and American Nursing Informatics Association.