Alexis Snyder

Alexis Snyder


Intersection of Clinical and Administrative Data Task Force, Member
Adopted Standards Task Force 2022, Member
Pharmacy Interoperability and Emerging Therapeutics Task Force 2023, Member

Engagement Specialist

HITAC Member Terms:
Term 1: 12/2019 – 12/2020
Term 2: 1/2021 – 12/2023

Alexis Snyder is a Patient Family Advisor and Engagement Specialist with lived experience in identifying and resolving health information technology challenges as a patient, caregiver and advocate. She works with health care systems and research organizations on best practices and strategies for authentic patient engagement to assure that the patient and caregiver voice, as well as the greater community and the underserved, is always present and well represented. Ms. Snyder is the co-author of “The Patient and the Health Care System: Perspectives on High-Quality Care” and her blog series on Invisible Disabilities has received global recognition. She holds a Bachelor of Arts on Psychology and Sociology from Hofstra University, with a focus on disabilities and gerontology.