Overarching Charge:
Review and make recommendations on the Draft USCDI Version 2 content and process.
Specific Charge:
1. Evaluate Draft USCDI v2 and provide HITAC with recommendations for:
1a - Data classes and elements from USCDI v1 including applicable standards version updates
1b - New data classes and elements from Draft USCDI v2 including applicable standards
1c - Level 2 data classes and elements not included in Draft USCDI v2
2. Evaluate the USCDI expansion process and provide HITAC with recommendations for:
2a - ONDEC submission system improvements
2b - Evaluation criteria and process used to assign levels to submitted data classes and elements
2c - Prioritization process used by ONC to select new data classes and elements for Draft USCDI v2
3. Recommend ONC priorities for USCDI version 3 submission cycle
U.S. Core Data for Interoperability Task Force 2021 Meetings
Member List
*Appointed by Congress ^Appointed by the Government Accountability Office °Appointed by HHS Secretary