Monique Villamor
Student Trainee – Program Support Specialist
OPRE/Division of Family Strengthening
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Master of Public Health – Health Policy
Jacksonville, Florida
During my undergraduate studies, I completed an internship with local Early Head Start and Head Start centers in rural Northeast Florida. From that experience, I became very interested in the research behind federal programs that aim to improve the health and well-being of children, families, and communities. Since then, I had the goal of one day working at the federal level so I could grow my knowledge and contribute to macro-level change. After connecting with a Pathways alumna who shared her positive experience of how Pathways guided her career from a student trainee position to a full-time role, I knew the Pathways Program would be the best fit for my career goals and interests.
I’m most excited about the connections and mentorship through Pathways. I’ve been able to meet so many great people across my division and in other offices to learn more about their work, gain deeper insight into the federal system, and receive career advice while I navigate graduate school. It’s been so helpful to build these connections with people from different academic backgrounds and areas of expertise, so I’m able to learn from others with unique perspectives.
The UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health has placed a major emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration throughout my courses. During my program, I’ve learned how to engage in research, evaluation, and practice that prioritizes communities’ needs by working with professionals from different sectors to ensure best practices in achieving equity and engaging in evidence-based approaches. Through the Pathways Program, I’m able to apply these skillsets when working across different project teams. My MPH concentration in Health Policy has also provided me with a strong foundation in understanding both the state and federal system that I have been able to build upon throughout my internship.
Throughout the Pathways Program, my supervisors have connected me with individuals with similar interests who have shared valuable insight to help me navigate my career journey. From quick coffee chats and informal meetings, I’ve learned so much about different career paths, fellowship opportunities, and upcoming projects and initiatives. It’s been a great experience being able to contribute to a variety of projects in topic areas that were new to me, while also still being able to seek opportunities that align with my existing interests.